Mid Facelift (Mini Facelift)

A mid facelift is an amazing option for restoring the beauty of your face without having to deal with the larger incisions and longer recovery period that comes with a traditional facelift. At the Mandell-Brown Center, we offer the mid facelift procedure for women and men in the Cincinnati and Dalton areas.

Dr. Mandell-Brown & Dr. Maccarone

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown and Dr. Gina Maccarone strive to offer Natural Look™ cosmetic surgery results in an educational, supportive environment. Each holds multiple board certifications, so you can rest assured that your surgeon has the credentials and aesthetic eye to precisely tailor your surgical plan for safe, aesthetically sound outcomes.

Portrait of Dr. Mandell-Brown and Dr. Maccarone smiling

What Is a Mid Facelift?

The mid facelift is an office based procedure that can rejuvenate the sagging by a mini-incision by the ear to elevate the tissues and liposuction the fat. In contrast to the full facelift, in which the incision goes behind the ear to help elevate the neck sagging, the mid facelift only addresses the cheek sagging.

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown was the first plastic surgeon to bring this procedure to the Dayton and Cincinnati areas. Now, most surgeons offer this, a testimony to Dr. Mandell-Brown’s foresight into adding this procedure to the standard facelift.

Mid Facelift Overview

  • Local anesthesia with IV sedation: The treated area is numb, and you will have a sedating medication provided through an IV during surgery. By comparison, quick facelists use only local anesthesia, but a full facelift can also be performed under local with IV sedation (or general anesthesia).
  • Operating time of 1.5 hours: By comparison, a quick facelift takes 1 hour and a full facelift takes 2 hours.
  • Incisions are placed along the ear creases: The incisions are hidden in ear creases and contours, similar to those of a quick facelift but less extensive than those of a full facelift.
  • Removes skin and tightens muscle in cheek area: A mid facelift focuses on the cheek area, while a quick facelift only treats skin (not muscle) and a full facelift treats a larger area more comprehensively.

Mid Facelift Candidates

Have cheek jowling but not ready for a full face lift? Welcome the mid facelift as the procedure of choice. The mid facelift is ideal for excess or sagging tissues in the cheeks and along the jaw line. The typical patient is in their 30′s to 40′s and just needs a little “tuck” of the tissues.

Mid Facelift Recovery

The recovery period for a mini facelift is rapid and many patients can be back at work in 4 to 5 days. There may be some mild swelling and bruising around the face that will subside over time. There is relatively little pain that can be managed with over-the-counter medication. Most patients are told “they look more relaxed” or “more youthful.”

Mid Facelift Cost

Dr. Mandell-Brown can let you know what the cost of your mid-facelift in Cincinnati will be during your consultation at the Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center. Financing options through CareCredit are available.

Schedule a Consultation Today

A mid facelift is an excellent option for women and men who want to refresh the natural beauty of their faces. If you want to know if you are a good candidate for a mid facelift, contact the Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center today to schedule a consultation.

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown — Updated on Mar 11, 2024