Facial plastic surgery implants are a tremendous aid for the surgeon to enhance the patient’s features. Chin and cheek implants are a relatively simple procedure to help improve facial harmony. Chin implants have been used for more than 40 years and have proven safe. Cheek implants can help those with a flattened mid-face who desire more prominent cheeks.

The implants are made from silicone and most are premolded. Various sizes are available and computer imaging helps determine which implant is best suited for the individual. Through a small incision, our Cincinnati cosmetic surgeons can slip in the implant and it rests on the underlying bone, providing more forward projection.

Dr. Mandell-Brown & Dr. Maccarone

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown and Dr. Gina Maccarone strive to offer Natural Look™ cosmetic surgery results in an educational, supportive environment. Each holds multiple board certifications, so you can rest assured that your surgeon has the credentials and aesthetic eye to precisely tailor your surgical plan for safe, aesthetically sound outcomes.

Portrait of Dr. Mandell-Brown and Dr. Maccarone smiling

Facial Implant Candidates

The implants are particularly helpful for those with large noses and weak chins. For patients who are bothered by their receding or “weak” chin, a chin implant can add pore projection and definition to the area. One of the benefits of an implant for chin augmentation is that Instead of performing major plastic surgery and advancing the jaw bone, an implant can be placed in a 30-minute office procedure.

Cheek implants are a great option for patients who want sharper and more defined cheekbones that add definition to their face. Cheek implants can significantly enhance facial contours while retaining a natural appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Mandell-Brown will ask about your reasons for wanting to undergo facial implant surgery and take the time to understand what your desired goals are so that he can let you know if facial implant surgery in Cincinnati is the right choice for you.

Before & After
Facial Implant Result Cincinnati
Facial Implant Result Cincinnati

*Individual results may vary.

What to Expect After Your Facial Implant Surgery

Patients who have undergone chin implant surgery and cheek implant surgery can expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the surgical area following their procedure. Pain should be minimal and can be managed with medication. Most patients will need around a week or two of recovery before they feel comfortable returning to work, though this can vary between patients. Our team will be sure to provide you with post-operative instructions that will make the recovery process as easy as possible.

“I had implants 4 weeks ago by Dr Mandell-Brown. He and his staff are wonderful. They called me every day after surgery to check on me. My implants are perfect and it was the best money ever spent. Thank you all very much.”

—C. A.

The Cost of Facial Implant Surgery

The cost of your facial implant surgery in Cincinnati will be based on the type of procedure being performed, the type of implant used, and other factors. Dr. Mandell-Brown can go over the expected cost of your facial implant surgery and answer any questions you may have about the payment options available to you. Financing options are available.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact The Plastic Surgery Experts at the Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center today to schedule a consultation for your facial implant procedure in Cincinnati. Dr. Mandell-Brown is a triple board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has been voted the best plastic surgeon in Cincinnati.

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown — Updated on Mar 11, 2024