The Magic of RHA Fillers

Do you have ugly lines and wrinkles on your face that make you look older than your actual age? Do you want fuller lips? The FDA-approved injectable dermal filler RHA Fillers is an excellent solution for both of these issues.

RHA Fillers treatments are among the most common non-surgical procedures carried out in the U.S. This product is more effective and longer lasting than many other fillers used for wrinkle reduction and lip augmentation.

How RHA Fillers Works

RHA Fillers’s key ingredient is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural sugar present in our bodies. It holds in water at the site of injection and functions as a cushioning agent. This process results in skin with more volume, creating a more youthful look.

While many other hyaluronic-acid products have a granular consistency, RHA Fillers has a smooth consistency. This can lead to very natural-looking results.

The procedure takes up around 15 to 20 minutes, and one treatment session is enough to attain optimal results. RHA Fillers products usually contain the local anesthetic lidocaine to numb the surrounding area of skin during the injection. The injections are then administered directly into the targeted wrinkles.

After your RHA Fillers treatment, avoid drinking alcohol, applying makeup, experiencing prolonged sun exposure, and participating in any strenuous activities for at least a day. You will notice the results of the treatment as soon as your swelling subsides.

RHA Fillers’s Results

The effects of RHA Fillers treatment are noticed immediately. Results last for six months to a year. You may experience certain temporary side-effects after the treatment such as swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness. They should go away on their own shortly.

You can also choose to combine your RHA Fillers treatment with a Botox treatment for even more comprehensive rejuvenation. Botox works best on fine age lines, and RHA Fillers works best on moderate to harsh wrinkles.

Good Candidates for RHA Fillers Treatment

If you’re dissatisfied with your aging face and its wrinkles and lines, RHA Fillers is a good cosmetic option for you. Since the hyaluronic acid present in RHA Fillers is created via biosynthesis, the likelihood of rejection or an allergic reaction is extremely low.

RHA Fillers treatment may not be a good option for those who have a tendency to scar easily or those with loose skin. Patients should be careful to inform Dr. Mandell-Brown if they are on any medication that can worsen chances of bleeding and bruising. RHA Fillers is not a good option for patients who suffer from frequent allergies and are allergic to lidocaine.

Treatment should be deferred by Dr. Mandell-Brown if an active infection or inflammation is noticed on/around the area of injection. It has not been tested safe yet for pregnant/lactating women or those under the age of 18, so these patients may not be ideal candidates.

Get Started with RHA Fillers Treatment

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown is an experienced plastic surgeon with numerous satisfied patients. To arrange a consultation with Dr. Mandell-Brown and find out more about RHA Fillers, contact our office today and set up your informative appointment. During your consultation, Dr. Mandell-Brown will examine your face and recommend an appropriate rejuvenation solution.

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