How Long Will Your Facelift Last?

A London study suggests you’re looking good in the long haul

One of the most popular questions regarding facelifts is, “how long will the results last?” A facelift is a serious undertaking, and not to be taken them lightly. People want to know what they’re getting into before they take the plunge.

Minimally-invasive procedures such as Botox or dermal fillers are popular due to the relatively low risk and quick recovery, but results aren’t nearly as drastic as those of a facelift, and the effects wear off far more quickly than would a surgical procedure.

Why, then, aren’t facelifts more popular? 2011 saw a scant 119,000 facelift procedures, compared to a whopping 5.7 million incidents of Botox injections. One London surgeon suggests the answer may be that women just aren’t sure how long a facelift would last.

According to Dr. Barry Jones of London, there’s not much scientific literature conclusively saying how long the effects of a facelift would last. However, he recently performed a small study among his own clientele who have had facelifts and was able to reach on an average of five and a half years later.

His findings showed that well into that timeframe, patients still enjoyed the youthful effects of the treatment with minimal returns to post-operative conditions. Marionette lines (mouth to chin), nasolabial lines (nose to mouth) and the jowls retained major improvements, but the neck tended to revert to post-operative conditions more quickly than other parts of the face.

Dr. Jones hopes to repeat his study with those patients around the ten year mark to chart results even further into the future. Until then, if you have any questions about facelift results and what you can expect, your best possible option is to set up a consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. A well-practiced cosmetic surgeon who knows his way around a facelift will be able to give you a good idea of the results you can realistically expect under his care.

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