Facial Fat Transfer: Make Your Fat Cells Work for You

A fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injection, is a procedure used to harvest excess fat and add it to places that lack body fat. Voluminous areas such as the outer thighs can be used to supplement fat shortage in the face. It is a safe, long-lasting, and well-tolerated procedure that was perfected in the ’90s. It provides natural-looking results.

The facial fat transfer can be used to treat sunken cheeks, hollow temples, lack of volume in the lips, facial wrinkles and folds, and more.

How Does a Facial Fat Transfer Work?

A facial fat transfer can be performed under general or local anesthesia. It involves three procedural steps. These are:

Fat Harvesting – The primary step of a fat-grafting procedure is harvesting the excess fat. Small incisions are made in the skin and a thin tube is employed to gently suction out minor amounts of fat. The incisions are often closed with stitches and are surgically dressed.

Fat Preparation – Before this fat is injected into any other area of the body, it is spun with the help of special equipment in order to separate out any fluids present in it, along with dead and damaged fat cells.

Fat Injection – The final step of the fat-transfer procedure involves the use of a syringe to inject small amounts of healthy fat into the area being treated. Since injections are being used, stitches are not needed.

Recovery After Fat Transfer

The fat-grafting procedure lasts a couple of hours. Dr. Mandell-Brown may allow you to go home immediately after or advise you to stay at the medical facility overnight. Treatment may require one or two more sessions to be completed depending on the specifics of the case.

While the surgical procedure is painless, you may experience some amount of pain in the days and weeks following the fat transfer. You will be prescribed painkillers to help you deal with this.

You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure, as you may still be experiencing the anesthesia and will be unfit to drive yourself.

You can expect temporary bruising and swelling, which will make it difficult for you to resume work shortly after. It is advisable that you take at least a week-long break before returning to work.

Results of the Facial Fat Transfer

After having a fat transfer performed, you will no longer have to be worried about your wrinkles, folds, and hollow areas. The corrections created by this procedure are permanent. The better the transplanted fat connects to the blood supply in its new area, the better the results will be.

Set Up Your Appointment for a Consultation

The facial fat-transfer procedure may just be the solution you’ve been looking for. Contact our office to set up a fat-transfer consultation with Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown, a skilled and well-respected plastic surgeon. During your consultation, the two of you will discuss your aesthetic needs and goals, along with any allergies you may have.

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