What Makes People Look Older?

Lines, wrinkles and sagging skin are facts of life. But are the causes of these conditions the same for every aging person?

Contributing factors (i.e. causes) actually vary from person to person.

A recent New York Times article recently explored this topic, and it details how people of different ethnic backgrounds show age in different ways. Factors that make people look older can be grouped into a “trinity of changes, including:

  • Wrinkles and age spots
  • Loss of tissue volume
  • Overall sagginess of the skin

Generally speaking, those with darker skin tones show aging a little slower. Because dark skin has more pigment in it, it is better protected against the aging effects of the sun. Dark skin also tends to be oilier and thicker, making it more resistant to the signs of aging.

Also, round faces show the signs of aging more slowly than those with thinner faces, as more youthful volume tends to be preserved.

Another contributing cause of what makes people look older is loss of skin volume, which eventually begins to droop. This leads to bagginess around the eyes and the appearance of jowls, among other issues.

Excessive frowning and other extreme facial expressions can add to the problem as well. These actions can cause lines to form in areas of the face like the brows and nasolabial folds.

Cincinnati cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown has a wealth of options for facial rejuvenation, both surgical and non-surgical. Contact us at 513-984-4700 for a consultation.

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