Understanding Laser Hair Removal

Laser assisted hair removal is the latest, most effective method of removing unwanted body hair. If you’re becoming tired of the usual methods of waxing, shaving or plucking and you want a long-term solution, laser hair removal may be the right choice. Today’s high tech laser systems are safe and effective for all skin types. You can choose to have hair removed from your bikini line, arms, legs, back and face in a quick and comfortable outpatient procedure.

We utilize LIGHTSHEER, the FDA approved diode laser for permanent hair reduction in men and women. This state-of-the art laser is designed to remove unwanted hair faster and more reliably than electrolysis.

Dr. Mandell-Brown & Dr. Maccarone

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown and Dr. Gina Maccarone strive to offer Natural Look™ cosmetic surgery results in an educational, supportive environment. Each holds multiple board certifications, so you can rest assured that your surgeon has the credentials and aesthetic eye to precisely tailor your surgical plan for safe, aesthetically sound outcomes.

Portrait of Dr. Mandell-Brown and Dr. Maccarone smiling

How does laser hair removal work?

The Lightsheer Laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted by the Lightsheer laser is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second to vaporize the pigment, disabling several follicles at a time to impede the regrowth of hair.

To achieve long-term results, a series of treatments is necessary. This is due to sporadic nature of hair growth; some hairs will be actively growing during your treatment, and some will be dormant. Several treatments ensure the removal all growth.

Three phases of hair growth:

  • Anagen– The active growing phase of hair. The hair contains an abundance of melanin at this stage. This is the stage treated by the laser.
  • Catagen– The regression stage when the hair stops growing.
  • Telogen– The resting phase during which the old hair falls out in preparation for a new hair.

Only the anagen phase is treated by lasers. Therefore, anywhere from 4 to 6 treatments are typically needed to adequately treat one area. This will vary from individual as well as the particular body area.

Is laser hair removal really permanent?

Many surgeons are advertising permanent hair removal with the use of a laser. Lasers do offer the ability to permanently remove body hair, but there are some important facts to know.

  • Laser hair removal is a relatively new procedure; without observing hair growth over the course of several years, it may be premature at this point to call the results permanent. Many surgeons simply decide to call it long-term hair removal. The results certainly last longer than more conventional hair removal methods.
  • The first visit is usually very effective. Many patients witness an 80 percent reduction in the targeted region of unwanted body hair.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

Laser hair removal is not painful. Some have compared it to a rubber band snapping against the skin. In rare cases where a patient has a low tolerance for pain, mild analgesics are used.

For safety and the best results, make sure you choose a physician with training in laser physics, and adequate knowledge of the skin, hair and underlying tissues. Dr. Mandell-Brown and his supporting staff are the most qualified laser hair removal practitioners in the greater Cincinnati area. Contact us for a consultation, and get ready to say goodbye to that unwanted body hair!

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown — Updated on Mar 11, 2024