Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty) – Preoperative Preparation

So you have decided to have rhinoplasty. How do you prepare for your procedure?

Before the surgery, Dr. Mandell-Brown’s office near Dayton, Ohio will send you a list of items to get and medicines to avoid. The following should help.

Two weeks before rhinoplasty surgery avoid the following:

  • Aspirin Products – affects platelets and leads to more bruising
  • Advil, Motrin, etc. – may affect platelets and can possibly cause bruising
  • Vitamin E – studies show this vitamin can affect platelets
  • Herbal Products – many of the natural occurring herbal items can affect platelets and bleeding factors, so stop 2 weeks before.

For example:

  • Ginseng – can be associated with increased blood pressure and heart rate. It may also increase bleeding.
  • St. John’s Wort – may prolong effects of anesthetic agents
  • Echinacea – may reduce your immune system
  • Feverfew – may increase bleeding
  • Garlic – lowers blood pressure but may increase bleeding
  • Valerian – may prolong anesthetic agents

One week before nose surgery start the following:

Dr. Mandell-Brown’s office should have sent a vitamin packet. Start taking Vitamin B and C each day for a week before and then continue for a week after the surgery. These two vitamins help the tissues heal after surgery. Do not take more than the one vitamin each day.

Purchase the following items to be used after surgery:

  • Peroxide
  • Q tips
  • 2×2 gauze pads
  • ½ inch paper tape

Purchase your prescriptions from the pharmacy.

Make sure you have your history and physical completed along with any recommended lab work.
Relax the night before surgery. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.

The morning of surgery thoroughly wash your face and hair before arriving at The Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center. Remember, no coffee or other fluids.

More rhinoplasty information