Facial Fat Injections — Fat Purification Cincinnati

Facial fat injections are a procedure where the plastic surgeon extracts excess fat from the body via liposuction and then uses this fat to restore volume and fullness to the face. This technique is quickly becoming one of the most requested treatments available for enhancing facial fullness.

Before the fat cells can be used, they will need to be purified through a meticulous process that filters out and uses only thriving cells. Dead and damaged fat cells are removed. The purification process also involves taking out non-essential fluids. This process ensures that the facial fat injections are utilizing the highest quality fat possible.

To find out more about how facial fat injections can help you rejuvenate your face, arrange a consultation by contacting our Cincinnati office. Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, will be able to tell you more about the procedure.

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